Property Editor Reference

For each property which is defined in NodeTypes.yaml, the editor inside the Neos inspector can be customized using various options. Here follows the reference for each property type.


All NodeType inspector configuration values are dynamically evaluated on the client-side, see dynamic-configuration-processing for more details.

Property Type: boolean BooleanEditor – Checkbox editor

A boolean value is rendered using a checkbox in the inspector:

  type: boolean
    label: 'is active'
      group: 'document'

Options Reference:

disabled (boolean)

HTML disabled property. If true, disable this checkbox.

Property Type: string TextFieldEditor – Single-line Text Editor (default)


  type: string
    label: 'Subtitle'
      message: 'Enter some help text for the editors here. The text will be shown via click.'
      group: 'document'
        placeholder: 'Enter subtitle here'
        maxlength: 20

Options Reference:

placeholder (string)

HTML5 placeholder property, which is shown if the text field is empty.

disabled (boolean)

HTML disabled property. If true, disable this textfield.

maxlength (integer)

HTML maxlength property. Maximum number of characters allowed to be entered.

readonly (boolean)

HTML readonly property. If true, this field is cannot be written to.

form (optional)

HTML5 form property.

selectionDirection (optional)

HTML5 selectionDirection property.

spellcheck (optional)

HTML5 spellcheck property.

required (boolean)

HTML5 required property. If true, input is required.

title (boolean)

HTML title property.

autocapitalize (boolean)

Custom HTML autocapitalize property.

autocorrect (boolean)

Custom HTML autocorrect property.

Property Type: string TextAreaEditor – Multi-line Text Editor

In case the text input should span multiple lines, a TextAreaEditor should be used as follows:

    type: 'string'
      label: 'Description'
        group: 'document'
        editor: 'Neos.Neos/Inspector/Editors/TextAreaEditor'
          rows: 7

Options Reference:

rows (integer)

Number of lines this textarea should have; Default 5.

** and all options from Text Field Editor – see above**

Property Type: string RichTextEditor – Full-Screen Rich Text Editor

In case a large block of text has to be edited with support for rich text editing, a RichTextEditor can be used.

It takes all the same configuration options as the inline rich text editor under editorOptions:

    type: 'string'
      label: 'Toggle the editor'
        editor: 'Neos.Neos/Inspector/Editors/RichTextEditor'
          placeholder: '<p>placeholder</p>'
          autoparagraph: true
            anchor: true
            title: true
            relNofollow: true
            targetBlank: true
            download: true
            strong: true
            em: true
            u: true
            sub: true
            sup: true
            del: true
            p: true
            h1: true
            h2: true
            h3: true
            h4: true
            h5: true
            h6: true
            pre: true
            underline: true
            strikethrough: true
            removeFormat: true
            left: true
            right: true
            center: true
            justify: true
            table: true
            ol: true
            ul: true
            a: true

Property Type: string CodeEditor – Full-Screen Code Editor

In case HTML source code or any other plain text has to be edited, a CodeEditor can be used:

    type: 'string'
      label: 'Source'
        group: 'document'
        editor: 'Neos.Neos/Inspector/Editors/CodeEditor'

Furthermore, the button label can be adjusted by specifying buttonLabel. Furthermore, the highlighting mode can be customized, which is helpful for editing markdown and similar contents:

    type: 'string'
      label: 'Markdown'
        group: 'document'
        editor: 'Neos.Neos/Inspector/Editors/CodeEditor'
          buttonLabel: 'Edit Markdown'
          highlightingMode: 'text/plain'

Options Reference:

buttonLabel (string)

label of the button which is used to open the full-screen editor. Default Edit code.

highlightingMode (string)

CodeMirror highlighting mode to use. These formats are support by default: text/plain, text/xml, text/html, text/css, text/javascript. If other highlighting modes shall be used, they must be loaded beforehand using custom JS code. Default text/html.

disabled (boolean)

If true, disables the CodeEditor.

Property Type: string / array<string> SelectBoxEditor – Dropdown Select Editor

In case only fixed entries are allowed to be chosen a select box can be used - multiple selection is supported as well. The data for populating the select box can be fetched from a fixed set of entries defined in YAML or a datasource. The most important option is called values, containing the choices which can be made. If wanted, an icon can be displayed for each choice by setting the icon class appropriately.

Basic Example – simple select box:

  type: string
  defaultValue: 'firstChildNode'
    label: 'Target mode'
      group: 'document'
      editor: 'Neos.Neos/Inspector/Editors/SelectBoxEditor'
            label: 'First child node'
            icon: 'icon-legal'
            label: 'Parent node'
            icon: 'icon-fire'
            label: 'Selected target'

If the selection list should be grouped, this can be done by setting the group key of each individual value:

  type: string
    label: 'Country'
      group: 'document'
      editor: 'Neos.Neos/Inspector/Editors/SelectBoxEditor'
            label: 'Italy'
            group: 'Southern Europe'
            label: 'Austria'
            group: 'Central Europe'
            label: 'Germany'
            group: 'Central Europe'

Furthermore, multiple selection is also possible, by setting multiple to true, which is automatically set for properties of type array. If an empty value is allowed as well, allowEmpty should be set to true and placeholder should be set to a helpful text:

  type: array
    label: 'Styling Options'
      group: 'document'
      editor: 'Neos.Neos/Inspector/Editors/SelectBoxEditor'

        # The next line is set automatically for type array
        # multiple: true

        allowEmpty: true
        placeholder: 'Select Styling Options'

            label: 'Show Left Column'
            label: 'Show Right Column'

Because selection options shall be fetched from server-side code frequently, the Select Box Editor contains support for so-called data sources, by setting a dataSourceIdentifier, or optionally a dataSourceUri. This helps to provide data to the editing interface without having to define routes, policies or a controller. You can provide an array of dataSourceAdditionalData that will be sent to the data source with each request, the key/value pairs can be accessed in the $arguments array passed to getData().

      editor: 'Neos.Neos/Inspector/Editors/SelectBoxEditor'
        dataSourceIdentifier: 'questions'
        # alternatively using a custom uri:
        # dataSourceUri: 'custom-route/end-point'
          apiKey: 'foo-bar-baz'

See data-sources for more details on implementing a data source based on Neos conventions. If you are using a data source to populate SelectBoxEditor instances it has to be matching the values option. Make sure you sort by group first, if using the grouping option.

Example for returning compatible data:

return array(
    array('value' => 'key', 'label' => 'Foo', 'group' => 'A', 'icon' => 'icon-key'),
    array('value' => 'fire', 'label' => 'Fire', 'group' => 'A', 'icon' => 'icon-fire'),
    array('value' => 'legal', 'label' => 'Legal', 'group' => 'B', 'icon' => 'icon-legal')

If you use the dataSourceUri option to connect to an arbitrary service, make sure the output of the data source is a JSON formatted array matching the following structure. Make sure you sort by group first, if using the grouping option.

Example for compatible data:

  "value": "key",
  "label": "Key",
  "group": "A",
  "icon": "icon-key"
  "value": "fire",
  "label": "Fire",
  "group": "A",
  "icon": "icon-fire"
  "value": "legal",
  "label": "Legal",
  "group": "B",
  "icon": "icon-legal"

Options Reference:

values (required array)

the list of values which can be chosen from


label (required string)

label of this value.

group (string)

group of this value.

icon (string)

CSS icon class for this value.

allowEmpty (boolean)

if true, it is allowed to choose an empty value.

placeholder (string)

placeholder text which is shown if nothing is selected. Only works if allowEmpty is true. Default Choose.

multiple (boolean)

If true, multi-selection is allowed. Default FALSE.

minimumResultsForSearch (integer)

The minimum amount of items in the select before showing a search box, if set to -1 the search box will never be shown.

dataSourceUri (string)

If set, this URI will be called for loading the options of the select field.

dataSourceIdentifier (string)

If set, a server-side data source will be called for loading the possible options of the select field.

dataSourceAdditionalData (array)

Key/value pairs that will be sent to the server-side data source with every request.

disabled (boolean)

If true, disables the SelectBoxEditor.

Property Type: integer TextFieldEditor


  type: integer
    label: 'Crop after characters'
      group: 'document'

Options Reference:

all TextFieldEditor options apply

Property Type: string / integer RangeEditor – Range Editor for selecting numeric values

The minimum, maximum and step size can be defined. Additionally, a unit label as well as a special label for the minimum and maximum value can be defined.

If a certain value should be entered, the current value can also be clicked to enter the desired value directly.

  type: integer
      editor: 'Neos.Neos/Inspector/Editors/RangeEditor'
        minLabel: Invisible
        maxLabel: Opaque
        min: 0
        max: 100
        step: 5
        unit: px

Options Reference:

min (integer)

The lowest value in the range of permitted values. This value must be less than or equal to the value of the max attribute.

max (integer)

The greatest value in the range of permitted values. This value must be greater than or equal to the value of the min attribute.

step (integer)

The step attribute is a number that specifies the granularity that the value must adhere to.

unit (string)

The value gets displayed beside the current value, as well after the minimal value (only if minLabel is not set) and after the maximal value (only if maxLabel is not set). (The unit is just a visual indicator and will not be added to the resulting property value.)

minLabel (string)

If set, this value is displayed instead of the minimum value.

maxLabel (string)

If set, this value is displayed instead of the maximum value.

disabled (boolean)

If set to true, the range editor gets disabled.

Property Type: reference / references ReferenceEditor / ReferencesEditor – Reference Selection Editors

The most important option for the property type reference and references is nodeTypes, which allows to restrict the type of the target nodes which can be selected in the editor.


  type: references
    label: 'Article Authors'
      group: 'document'
        nodeTypes: ['My.Website:Author']

Options Reference:

nodeTypes (array of strings)

List of node types which are allowed to be selected. By default, is set to Neos.Neos:Document, allowing only to choose other document nodes.

placeholder (string)

Placeholder text to be shown if nothing is selected

startingPoint (string)

The starting point (node path) for finding possible nodes to create a reference. This allows to search for nodes outside the current site. If not given, nodes will be searched for in the current site. For all nodes outside the current site the node path is shown instead of the url path.

threshold (number)

Minimum amount of characters which trigger a search. Default is set to 2.

createNew (array)

It is also possible to create new selectable nodes directly from the reference editor. This can come in handy for example if you reference tag nodes and want to add new tags on the fly.

The given string is passed to the title property of the new node.

path (string)

The path to the node in which the new nodes should be created.

type (string)

The type of the nodes to be created.

  type: references
    label: 'Tags'
      group: document
        nodeTypes: ['My.Website:Tag']
          path: /sites/yoursite/tags
          type: 'My.Website:Tag'
disabled (boolean)

If true, disables the Reference(s)Editor.

Property Type: DateTime DateTimeEditor – Date & Time Selection Editor

The most important option for DateTime properties is the format, which is configured like in PHP, as the following examples show:

  • d-m-Y: 05-12-2014 – allows to set only the date

  • d-m-Y H:i: 05-12-2014 17:07 – allows to set date and time

  • H:i: 17:07 – allows to set only the time


  type: DateTime
  defaultValue: 'today midnight'
    label: 'Publishing Date'
      group: 'document'
      position: 10
        format: 'd.m.Y'

Options Reference:

format (required string)

The date format, a combination of y, Y, F, m, M, n, t, d, D, j, l, N, S, w, a, A, g, G, h, H, i, s. Default d-m-Y.

defaultValue (string)

Sets property value, when the node is created. Accepted values are whatever strtotime() can parse, but it works best with relative formats like tomorrow 09:00 etc. Use now to set current date and time.

placeholder (string)

The placeholder shown when no date is selected

minuteStep (integer)

The granularity on which a time can be selected. Example: If set to 30, only half-hour increments of time can be chosen. Default 5 minutes.

For the date format, these are the available placeholders:

  • year
    • y: A two digit representation of a year - Examples: 99 or 03

    • Y: A full numeric representation of a year, 4 digits - Examples: 1999 or 2003

  • month
    • F: A full textual representation of a month, such as January or March - January through December

    • m: Numeric representation of a month, with leading zeros - 01 through 12

    • M: A short textual representation of a month, three letters - Jan through Dec

    • n: Numeric representation of a month, without leading zeros - 1 through 12

    • t: Number of days in the given month - 28 through 31

  • day
    • d: Day of the month, 2 digits with leading zeros - 01 to 31

    • D: A textual representation of a day, three letters - Mon through Sun

    • j: Day of the month without leading zeros - 1 to 31

    • l: A full textual representation of the day of the week - Sunday through Saturday

    • N: ISO-8601 numeric representation of the day of the week - 1 (for Monday) through 7 (for Sunday)

    • S: English ordinal suffix for the day of the month, 2 characters - st, nd, rd or th.

    • w: Numeric representation of the day of the week - 0 (for Sunday) through 6 (for Saturday)

  • hour
    • a: Lowercase Ante meridiem and Post meridiem - am or pm

    • A: Uppercase Ante meridiem and Post meridiem - AM or PM

    • g: hour without leading zeros - 12-hour format - 1 through 12

    • G: hour without leading zeros - 24-hour format - 0 through 23

    • h: 12-hour format of an hour with leading zeros - 01 through 12

    • H: 24-hour format of an hour with leading zeros - 00 through 23

  • minute
    • i: minutes, 2 digits with leading zeros - 00 to 59

  • second
    • s: seconds, 2 digits with leading zeros - 00 through 59

disabled (boolean)

If true, disables the DateTimeEditor.

Property Type: image (Neos\Media\Domain\Model\ImageInterface) ImageEditor – Image Selection/Upload Editor

For properties of type Neos\Media\Domain\Model\ImageInterface, an image editor is rendered. If you want cropping and resizing functionality, you need to set features.crop and features.resize to true, as in the following example:

  type: 'Neos\Media\Domain\Model\ImageInterface'
    label: 'Teaser Image'
      group: 'document'
          crop: true
          resize: true

If cropping is enabled, you might want to enforce a certain aspect ratio, which can be done by setting crop.aspectRatio.locked.width and crop.aspectRatio.locked.height. To show the crop dialog automatically on image upload, configure the crop.aspectRatio.forceCrop option. In the following example, the image format must be 16:9:

  type: 'Neos\Media\Domain\Model\ImageInterface'
    label: 'Teaser Image'
      group: 'document'
          crop: true
          mediaTypes: ['image/png']
            forceCrop: true
              width: 16
              height: 9

If not locking the cropping to a specific ratio, a set of predefined ratios can be chosen by the user. Elements can be added or removed from this list underneath crop.aspectRatio.options. If the aspect ratio of the original image shall be added to the list, crop.aspectRatio.enableOriginal must be set to true. If the user should be allowed to choose a custom aspect ratio, set crop.aspectRatio.allowCustom to true:

  type: 'Neos\Media\Domain\Model\ImageInterface'
    label: 'Teaser Image'
      group: 'document'
          mediaTypes: ['image/png']
          crop: true
                width: 1
                height: 1
                label: 'Square'
                width: 4
                height: 5
              # disable this ratio (if it was defined in a supertype)
              fiveSeven: ~
            enableOriginal: true
            allowCustom: true

Options Reference:

maximumFileSize (string)

Set the maximum allowed file size to be uploaded. Accepts numeric or formatted string values, e.g. “204800” or “204800b” or “2kb”. Defaults to the maximum allowed upload size configured in php.ini

accept (string)

DEPRECATED. Use constraints.mediaTypes instead


mediaTypes (array)

If set, the media browser and file upload will be limited to assets with the specified media type. Default ['image/*'] Example: ['image/png', 'image/jpeg'] Note: Due to technical limitations the media browser currently ignores the media sub type, so image/png has the same effect as image/*

assetSources (array)

If set, the media browser will be limited to assets of the specified asset source. Default: [] (all asset sources) Example: ['neos', 'custom_asset_source]


crop (boolean)

If true, enable image cropping. Default true.

upload (boolean)

If true, enable Upload button, allowing new files to be uploaded directly in the editor. Default true.

mediaBrowser (boolean)

If true, enable Media Browser button. Default true.

resize (boolean)

If true, enable image resizing. Default FALSE.


crop-related options. Only relevant if features.crop is enabled.


forceCrop (boolean)

Show the crop dialog on image upload


Locks the aspect ratio to a specific width/height ratio

width (integer)

width of the aspect ratio which shall be enforced

height (integer)

height of the aspect ratio which shall be enforced


aspect-ratio presets. Only effective if locked is not set.


width (required integer)

the width of the aspect ratio preset

height (required integer)

the height of the aspect ratio preset

label (string)

a human-readable name of the aspect ratio preset

enableOriginal (boolean)

If true, the image ratio of the original image can be chosen in the selector. Only effective if locked is not set. Default true.

allowCustom (boolean)

If true, a completely custom image ratio can be chosen. Only effective if locked is not set. Default true.

defaultOption (string)

default aspect ratio option to be chosen if no cropping has been applied already.

disabled (boolean)

If true, disables the ImageEditor.

Property Type: asset (Neos\Media\Domain\Model\Asset / array<Neos\Media\Domain\Model\Asset>) AssetEditor – File Selection Editor

If an asset, i.e. Neos\Media\Domain\Model\Asset, shall be uploaded or selected, the following configuration is an example:

  type: 'Neos\Media\Domain\Model\Asset'
    label: 'Case Study PDF'
      group: 'document'

Conversely, if multiple assets shall be uploaded, use array<Neos\Media\Domain\Model\Asset> as type:

  type: 'array<Neos\Media\Domain\Model\Asset>'
    label: 'Case Study PDF'
      group: 'document'

Options Reference:

accept (string)

DEPRECATED. Use constraints.mediaTypes instead


mediaTypes (array)

If set, the media browser, file search and file upload will be limited to assets with the specified media type. Default [] (all media types) Example: ['application/msword', 'application/pdf'] Note: Due to technical limitations the media browser currently ignores the media sub type, so application/pdf has the same effect as application/*.

assetSources (array)

If set, the media browser and file search will be limited to assets of the specified asset source. Default: [] (all asset sources) Example: ['neos', 'custom_asset_source]


upload (boolean)

If true, enable Upload button, allowing new files to be uploaded directly in the editor. Default true.

mediaBrowser (boolean)

If true, enable Media Browser button. Default true.

disabled (boolean)

If true, disables the AssetEditor.

Property Validation

The validators that can be assigned to properties in the node type configuration are used on properties that are edited via the inspector or inline. They are applied on the client-side only. The available validators can be found in the Neos package in Resources/Public/JavaScript/Shared/Validation:

  • AlphanumericValidator

  • CountValidator

  • DateTimeRangeValidator

  • DateTimeValidator

  • EmailAddressValidator

  • FloatValidator

  • IntegerValidator

  • LabelValidator

  • NotEmptyValidator

  • NumberRangeValidator

  • RegularExpressionValidator

  • StringLengthValidator

  • StringValidator

  • TextValidator

  • UuidValidator

The options are in sync with the Flow validators, so feel free to check the Flow documentation for details.

To apply options, just specify them like this:

      minimum: 1
      maximum: 255


It is also possible to add custom-editors and use custom-validators.