Inspector Views Reference

Each NodeTypes.yaml can be used to configure views that are displayed inside the Neos inspector. Here follows the reference for each built-in view.


A screenshot showcasing the ColumnView. It shows "250000 visitors" as the hero element and three additional data points, namely "786 this week", "2048 this month" and "25% growth", all of which are examples of data that can be displayed with the ColumnView.

The ColumnView displays numeric data from a data source as a compact view.

A data source is a PHP class implementing Neos\Neos\Service\DataSource\DataSourceInterface (which is best achieved by extending Neos\Neos\Service\DataSource\AbstractDataSource). The example displayed above uses the following data source implementation:


 * This script belongs to the package "Vendor.Site".


namespace Vendor\Site\Application\Neos\DataSource;

use Neos\Neos\Service\DataSource\AbstractDataSource;
use Neos\ContentRepository\Domain\Model\NodeInterface;

final class ColumnViewDataSource extends AbstractDataSource
    * @var string
    static protected $identifier = 'vendor-site-column-view';

    * Get data
    * {@inheritdoc}
    public function getData(NodeInterface $node = NULL, array $arguments = [])
        return [
            'data' => [
                'total' => [
                    'uniqueVisitors' => 250000,
                'thisWeek' => [
                    'uniqueVisitors' => 786,
                    'growthPercent' => 25,
                'thisMonth' => [
                    'uniqueVisitors' => 2048,
                    'growthPercent' => 25,


The data returned from a data source that is used for a ColumnView need not adhere to a specific shape. The viewOptions configuration is used to extract data from arbitrary data shapes as you’ll see below.

Example viewOptions:

  # ...
          label: 'ColumnView Example'
          group: examples
          view: 'Neos.Neos/Inspector/Views/Data/ColumnView'
            dataSource: vendor-site-column-view
              data: total.uniqueVisitors
              label: 'visitors'
                data: thisWeek.uniqueVisitors
                label: 'this week'
                data: thisMonth.uniqueVisitors
                label: 'this month'
                data: thisMonth.growthPercent
                label: '% growth'
  # ...

viewOptions Reference:

dataSource (required string)

Identifier of a DataSource (given in the implementation class)

arguments (optional array)

If provided, the arguments will be passed as the second parameter to the data source’s getData method.

hero (optional)

The hero element will be displayed with a larger font above all other data points.

data (required string or array)

A path to access the data from the data source. If given a string, the path will be split by .. The data this path points to should be numeric.

label (optional string)

A brief description of the number provided through data

columns (optional array)

This is a list of data points that will be displayed below the hero element. Each element in this array has the following options:

data (required string or array)

A path to access the data from the data source. If given a string, the path will be split by .. The data this path points to should be numeric.

label (optional string)

A brief description of the number provided through data


A screenshot showcasing the TableView. It shows a table with 3 rows, each split into 3 columns. The first row reads "desktop, 503 visitors, 50%", the second row reads "tablet, 87 visitors, 8.6%", and the third row reads "smartphone, 416 visitors, 41.3%". These are examples of data that can be displayed with the TableView.

The TableView displays data from a data source as a table.

A data source is a PHP class implementing Neos\Neos\Service\DataSource\DataSourceInterface (which is best achieved by extending Neos\Neos\Service\DataSource\AbstractDataSource). The example displayed above uses the following data source implementation:


 * This script belongs to the package "Vendor.Site".


namespace Vendor\Site\Application\Neos\DataSource;

use Neos\Neos\Service\DataSource\AbstractDataSource;
use Neos\ContentRepository\Domain\Model\NodeInterface;

final class TableViewDataSource extends AbstractDataSource
    * @var string
    static protected $identifier = 'vendor-site-table-view';

    * Get data
    * {@inheritdoc}
    public function getData(NodeInterface $node = NULL, array $arguments = [])
        return [
            'data' => [
                'rows' => [
                        'deviceCategory' => 'desktop',
                        'uniqueVisitors' => 503,
                        'percentage' => 50
                        'deviceCategory' => 'tablet',
                        'uniqueVisitors' => 87,
                        'percentage' => 8.6
                        'deviceCategory' => 'smartphone',
                        'uniqueVisitors' => 416,
                        'percentage' => 41.3


The data returned from a data source that is used for a TableView need not adhere to a specific shape (as long as it represents some sort of list). The viewOptions configuration is used to extract data from arbitrary data shapes as you’ll see below.

Example viewOptions:

  # ...
          label: 'TableView Example'
          group: examples
          view: 'Neos.Neos/Inspector/Views/Data/TableView'
            dataSource: vendor-site-table-view
            collection: rows
                data: deviceCategory
                  desktop: icon-desktop
                  tablet: icon-tablet
                  smartphone: icon-mobile-phone
                data: uniqueVisitors
                suffix: ' visitors'
                data: percentage
                suffix: '%'
  # ...

viewOptions Reference:

dataSource (required string)

Identifier of a DataSource (given in the implementation class)

arguments (optional array)

If provided, the arguments will be passed as the second parameter to the data source’s getData method.

collection (required string or array)

A path to access the collection of interest from the data provided by the data source. If given a string, the path will be split by .. The data this path points to should be a numerically indexed array.

columns (optional array)

This key is used to configure the columns of the table. Each element in this array has the following options:

data (required string or array)

A path to access the data of an item of the list described by collection. If given a string, the path will be split by ..

iconMap (optional hashmap)

Maps the value provided through data to an icon that will be displayed in addition to the value.

suffix (optional string)

A brief description of the value provided through data


A screenshot showcasing the TimeSeriesView. It shows a line graph illustrating fictional page visitor numbers accumulated over time. On its y-axis the graph scales from 400 visitors at the bottom to 1000 visitors at the top. In the top right corner it reads "last month" to signify that the displayed data shows the figures over the last month.

The TimeSeriesView displays data accumulated over time from a data source as a line chart.

A data source is a PHP class implementing Neos\Neos\Service\DataSource\DataSourceInterface (which is best achieved by extending Neos\Neos\Service\DataSource\AbstractDataSource). The example displayed above uses the following data source implementation:


 * This script belongs to the package "Vendor.Site".


namespace Vendor\Site\Application\Neos\DataSource;

use Neos\Neos\Service\DataSource\AbstractDataSource;
use Neos\ContentRepository\Domain\Model\NodeInterface;

final class TimeSeriesViewDataSource extends AbstractDataSource
    * @var string
    static protected $identifier = 'vendor-site-time-series-view';

    * Get data
    * {@inheritdoc}
    public function getData(NodeInterface $node = NULL, array $arguments = [])
        return [
            'data' => [
                'rows' => [
                        'date' => new \DateTimeImmutable('2022-09-01'),
                        'uniqueVisitors' => 503
                        'date' => new \DateTimeImmutable('2022-10-01'),
                        'uniqueVisitors' => 708
                        'date' => new \DateTimeImmutable('2022-11-01'),
                        'uniqueVisitors' => 389
                        'date' => new \DateTimeImmutable('2022-12-01'),
                        'uniqueVisitors' => 1027


The data returned from a data source that is used for a TimeSeriesView need not adhere to a specific shape (as long as it includes a list of data associated with a time and date). The viewOptions configuration is used to extract data from arbitrary data shapes as you’ll see below.

Example viewOptions:

  # ...
          label: 'TimeSeriesView Example'
          group: examples
          view: 'Neos.Neos/Inspector/Views/Data/TimeSeriesView'
            subtitle: 'last month'
            dataSource: vendor-site-time-series-view
            collection: rows
              timeData: date
              valueData: uniqueVisitors
              selectedInterval: weeks
              yAxisFromZero: false
  # ...

viewOptions Reference:

dataSource (required string)

Identifier of a DataSource (given in the implementation class)

arguments (optional array)

If provided, the arguments will be passed as the second parameter to the data source’s getData method.

subtitle (optional string)

A brief description for the time series chart that will be displayed in the top right corner

collection (optional array or string)

A path to access the collection of interest from the data provided by the data source. If given a string, the path will be split by .. The data this path points to should be a numerically indexed array.

series (required object)

This object configures each data point that will be used to draw the chart.

timeData (required array or string)

A path to access the data of an item of the list described by collection. If given a string, the path will be split by .. The data this path points to should represent a time and date (e.g. an integer-typed unix timestamp or a \DateTimeInterface).

valueData (required array or string)

A path to access the data of an item of the list described by collection. If given a string, the path will be split by .. The data this path points to should be numeric.

chart (optional object)

This object configures the chart itself.

selectedInterval (optional, default=”years”)

This field configures the scale of the x-axis. Possible values are:

  • years (or Y)

  • quarters (or Q)

  • months (or M)

  • weeks (or W)

  • days (or D)

  • seconds (or S)

yAxisFromZero (optional boolean, default=false)

If set to true the y-axis will start from 0. Otherwise the y-axis will start from the lowest available value.


A screenshot showcasing the NodeInfoView. It shows a list of key characteristics of an example node. Those characteristics are "Created" (which is the creation date and time for the node, "12/29/2022 2:58:47PM" in the example), "Last modification" (which is the date and time of the last modification of the node, "12/29/2022 2:58:47PM" in the example), "Identifier" (a UUID, the node identifier), "Name" (the node name), and "Type" (the name of the node's node type).

The NodeInfoView displays key characteristics of a node. In Neos, every node with a node type that extends Neos.Neos:Node (which applies to both content and document nodes by default), comes with a pre-configured NodeInfoView. It can be found in the Inspector under the meta tab.

It is unlikely, you’ll ever need to configure this view manually. But if you need to, you can use a configuration like this one:

  # ...
        label: 'NodeInfoView example'
        group: examples
        view: 'Neos.Neos/Inspector/Views/NodeInfoView'
  # ...

The NodeInfoView has no viewOptions.