Node Migration Reference

Node migrations can be used to deal with renamed node types and property names, set missing default values for properties, adjust content dimensions and more.

Node migrations work by applying transformations on nodes. The nodes that will be transformed are selected through filters in migration files.

The Content Repository comes with a number of common transformations:

  • AddDimensionShineThrough

  • AddNewProperty

  • ChangeNodeType

  • ChangePropertyValue

  • MoveDimensionSpacePoint

  • RemoveNode

  • RemoveProperty

  • RenameNodeAggregate

  • RenameProperty

  • StripTagsOnProperty

They all implement the Neos\ContentRepository\NodeMigration\Transformation\TransformationFactoryInterface. Custom transformations can be developed against that interface as well, just use the fully qualified class name for those when specifying which transformation to use.

Migration files

To use node migrations to adjust a setup to changed configuration, a YAML file is created that configures the migration by setting up filters to select what nodes are being worked on by transformations. The Content Repository comes with a number of filters:

  • DimensionSpacePoints

  • NodeName

  • NodeType

  • PropertyNotEmpty

  • PropertyValue

They all implement the Neos\ContentRepository\Migration\Filters\FilterInterface. Custom filters can be developed against that interface as well, just use the fully qualified class name for those when specifying which filter to use.

Here is an example of a migration that operates on all nodes with nodetype Neos.ContentRepository.Testing:Document and changes their property name form text to newText:

comments: 'Rename the property of all Neos.ContentRepository.Testing:Document nodes'
        type: 'NodeType'
          nodeType: 'Neos.ContentRepository.Testing:Document'
        type: 'RenameProperty'
          from: 'text'
          to: 'newText'

Like all migrations the file should be placed in a package inside the Migrations/ContentRepository folder where it will be picked up by the CLI tools provided with the content repository:

  • ./flow nodemigration:list

  • ./flow nodemigration:execute

Use ./flow help <command> to get detailed instructions. The nodemigration:list command also prints a short description for each migration.

Transformations Reference


Add a Dimension Space Point (DSP) Shine-Through; basically making all content available not just in the source (original) DSP, but also in the target-DimensionSpacePoint.

NOTE: the Source Dimension Space Point must be a parent of the target Dimension Space Point.

Options Reference:

from (array)

Source Dimension Space Point as array. E.g. [“language” => “es”, “country” => “es”]

to (array)

Target Dimension Space Point where the content has to shine through as array. E.g. [“language” => “es”, “country” => “ar”]


Add a new property with the given value.

Options Reference:

newPropertyName (string)

The name of the new property to be added.

type (string)

The type of the property (e.g. string, array, DateTime, …)

serializedValue (mixed)

Property value to be set.


Change the node type.

Options Reference:

newType (string)

The new Node Type to use as a string.

forceDeleteNonMatchingChildren (bool)

This flag allows to enforce the migration. In case of child constraint conflicts the conflicting child nodes get deleted.

Default is false.


Change the value of a given property.

This can apply two transformations:

  • If newSerializedValue is set, the value will be set to this, with any occurrences of the currentValuePlaceholder replaced with the current value of the property.

  • If search and replace are given, that replacement will be done on the value (after applying the newSerializedValue, if set).

This would simply override the existing value:

    type: 'ChangePropertyValue'
      property: 'title'
      newSerializedValue: 'a new value'

This would prefix the existing value:

    type: 'ChangePropertyValue'
      property: 'title'
      newSerializedValue: 'this is a prefix to {current}'

This would prefix existing value and then apply search/replace on the result:

    type: 'ChangePropertyValue'
      property: 'title'
      newSerializedValue: 'this is a prefix to {current}'
      search: 'something'
      replace: 'something else'

And in case your value contains the magic string “{current}” and you need to leav it intact, this would prefix the existing value but use a different placeholder:

    type: 'ChangePropertyValue'
      property: 'title'
      newSerializedValue: 'this is a prefix to {__my_unique_placeholder}'
      currentValuePlaceholder: '__my_unique_placeholder'

Options Reference:

property (string)

The name of the property to change.

newSerializedValue (string)

New property value to be set.

The value of the option currentValuePlaceholder (defaults to “{current}”) will be used to include the current property value into the new value.

search (string)

Search string to replace in current property value.

replace (string)

Replacement for the search string.

currentValuePlaceholder (string)

The value of this option (defaults to {current}) will be used to include the current property value into the new value.


Moves a dimension space point globally.

from (array)

Source Dimension Space Point as array. E.g. [“language” => “es”, “country” => “es”]

to (array)

Target Dimension Space Point as array. E.g. [“language” => “es”, “country” => “ar”]


Removes the node.

overriddenDimensionSpacePoint (array)

Dimension Space Point as array. E.g. [“country” => “ar”]

This allows to remove nodes in a virtual specialization or shine-through dimension space points.


Remove the property.

Options Reference:

property (string)

The name of the property to be removed.


Rename a node aggregate.

Hint: Why node aggregate, not node? The node aggregate contains all information, that are equal for a node over all dimensions. So the name of a node is stored in the node aggregate and not in each node anymore.

Options Reference:

newNodeName (string)

The new name for the node aggregate.


Rename a given property.

Options Reference:

from (string)

The name of the property to change.

to (string)

The new name for the property to change.


Strip all tags on a given property.

Options Reference:

property (string)

The name of the property to work on.

Filters Reference


Filter nodes by origin dimension space point.

Options Reference:

points (array)

The array of dimension space point values to filter for.

includeSpecializations (boolean)

If set to false it checks for exact matches; but if set to true, also dimension space points “underneath” the given dimension space point are matched (specializations). Default is false.


Selects nodes with the given name.

Options Reference:

nodeName (string)

The value to compare the node name against, strict equality is checked.


Selects nodes by node type.

Options Reference:

nodeType (string)

The node type name to match on.

withSubTypes (boolean)

Whether the filter should match also on all subtypes of the configured node type. Note: This can only be used with node types still available in the system!

exclude (boolean)

Whether the filter should exclude the given NodeType instead of including only this node type.


Filter nodes having the given property and its value not empty.

Options Reference:

propertyName (string)

The property name to be checked for non-empty value.


Filter nodes having the given property with the corresponding value.

Options Reference:

propertyName (string)

The property name to filter for with the given property value.

serializedValue (string)

The property value to filter for.