8.3.0 (2023-04-25)

Overview of merged pull requests

FEATURE: Change wallpaper images

I was told, i could create a pull request for the wallpaper. So, here i am. As this is my first ever pull request on github, i hope everything is correct.

I tried to find a sweet spot between image resolution and image size.

  • cropped it to 16:10

  • resized to 2500px width

  • exported with “quality by 4 of 6” (photoshop)

  • another compression via tinypng

  • converted to webp

If you need another aspect ratio or anything, just let me know :)

  • Packages: Neos

FEATURE: NodeType configuration command controller

### ./flow nodetypes:show

Show NodeType Configuration

Shows the merged configuration (including supertypes) of a NodeType


./flow nodeTypes:show Vendor.Site:Content

./flow nodeTypes:show Vendor.Site:Content --path="properties.bar"


--node-type-name The name of the NodeType to show --path Optional path of the NodeType-configuration which will be shown

### ``./flow nodetypes: list ``

List NodeTypes

Lists all declared NodeTypes grouped by namespace


./flow nodeTypes:list --filter Vendor.Site:

./flow nodeTypes:list --filter Vendor.Site:Document  --include-abstract


--filter Only NodeType-names containing this string will be listed --include-abstract List abstract NodeTypes

Upgrade instructions

Review instructions

adresses https://github.com/neos/flow-development-collection/pull/1903#issuecomment-580656209 i figured even if the cli could handle dot paths https://github.com/neos/flow-development-collection/pull/2973 (which it wont in the future) one would be able to dump the nodeType config for a single node but what good is it, if you dont get the merged superType config.

  • Packages: Neos

FEATURE: Assets Eel helper for Neos.Media

This helper provides access to assets in Neos by either searching by Tag, AssetCollection, or a searchTerm combined with optionally Tags and an AssetCollection.

Review instructions

Add some assets to collections and tag them, then use the helpers in Fusion like this:

` assetsByTag = ${Neos.Media.Assets.findByTag('MyTag')} assetsByCollection = ${Neos.Media.Assets.findByCollection('MyCollection')} assetsBySearchTerm = ${Neos.Media.Assets.findBySearchTerm('alice')} `

  • Packages: Neos Media

FEATURE: Add commands `media:listVariantPresets and media:removeVariants <https://github.com/neos/neos-development-collection/pull/3843>`_

Currently there is an option to create custom ImageVariant out of the Settings.Neos.Media.yaml. These VariantPresets can be edited, but variants with old/removed/outdated presets will not be deleted.

To solve this problem, I wrote a few lines of code and added two new commands…

  1. list all found configurations for variants - from file and database, to get every single variant configuration, still existing or not

  2. delete a variant preset by identifier and name provided by the other command

ISSUE: https://github.com/neos/neos-development-collection/issues/3086

Upgrade instructions

Nothing I know about so far

  • Packages: Neos Media

FEATURE: Support `iterables that do not implement countable in Neos.Fusion:Map, Neos.Fusion:Loop and Neos.Fusion:Reduce <https://github.com/neos/neos-development-collection/pull/4168>`_

Previously passing an object to a Map or a loop that did not implement countable lead to an error. Since we the only value that cannot be calculated is the isLast the code is adjusted to skip the calculation of isLast in that case.

  • Packages: Fusion Neos

FEATURE: Introduce node:migrationcreate command

Review instructions

Implements: #3881

## Description

This pull request introduces the new CLI command: node:migrationcreate.

This command is useful for creating node migrations via the CLI. I can specify a packageKey as an argument, and the given packageKey is the key for the respective site package. For example Neos.Demo

## Demo:


The node migration is created as usual, with the Version appendix and also the current timeStamp in the respective package directory under: Migrations/ContentRepository. And it comes also with a template, which can be customized directly. The template also contains a link to the node migrations part in the Neos documentation.

  • Packages: Neos ContentRepository

FEATURE: add dimensions hash to node event model

I want to extended the history view of the package https://github.com/aertmann/history with a filter for the dimension. With this website admins get a much needed additional filter for the history view of a web site with several dimensions and dimension values. In preparation for the extensions of the https://github.com/aertmann/history package I created these changes to the node event model. Please let me know, if additional changes are needed. Thank you in advanced.

  • [x] Code follows the PSR-2 coding style

  • [ ] Tests have been created, run and adjusted as needed

  • Packages: Neos

FEATURE: Allow non eel labels in nodetypes

Previously only valid eel expressions were allowed as the main label for a nodetypes. Now the label just be returned if it doesn’t match the eel pattern and not throw an eel exception anymore.

Upgrade instructions


Review instructions

Set a plain label in a nodetype instead of an eel expression (not ui.label)

```yaml My.Vendor:NodeType:

label: ‘Hello world’


And check the included tests

  • Packages: Fusion ContentRepository

FEATURE: `Neos.Fusion:Component @private props <https://github.com/neos/neos-development-collection/pull/3943>`_

The key @private is added to Neos.Fusion:Component (and derived prototypes like Neos.Neos:ContentComponent) to allow calculating of values for the renderer with access to the props. The @private key can only be defined together with the prototype and must not be overridden from outside. Inside the renderer the calculated private values are accessible as private.XXX

This feature replaces various patterns like nested components with @apply.props or using the this reference.

See the documentation for more details: https://neos.readthedocs.io/en/stable/References/NeosFusionReference.html#neos-fusion-component


``` prototype(Vendor.Site:Component) < prototype(Neos.Fusion:Component) {

title = ‘Hello World’ titleTagName = ‘h1’ bold = false

@private {

computedTitle = ${String.toLowercase(props.title)} funnyTitle = Neos.Fusion:Value {

value = ${props.titleTagName + ” ” + private.computedTitle}



renderer = Neos.Fusion:Tag {
attributes.class {

component = ‘component’ bold = ${props.bold && ‘component–bold’}

} content = Neos.Fusion:Join {

headline = Neos.Fusion:Tag {

tagName = ${props.titleTagName} content = ${private.funnyTitle}

} // nestedComponentScope = Neos.Fusion:Component { // prop1 = ${props.title} // works // renderer = ${props.title} // doest work! // }




Review instructions

| |

|--------------------|—————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————| | [key] | (mixed) The public API of your component: Lazy evaluated props that will be available inside the current component’s scope under the context props (is iterable) | | ``@private.[key]`` | (mixed) Can only be set inside the root component declaration: Lazy evaluated private props that will be available inside the current component’s scope under the context private (is not iterable / is only a proxy) | | renderer | (mixed, required) The value which gets rendered |

> Note > The context props and private is only available in the components scope > The component’s scope will be available inside the renderer and @private and will extend inwards until inside another component’s renderer > That means inside @private it’s even allowed to reference another private prop (be carefully of circular references, though!) > But normal props are not inside the component’s scope and thus cannot reference each other or private

Spec: - private is not Iterable but a simple proxy (no var_dump) - self referencing is allowed - in scope of the current component (a new component will have as usual its own scope) - can only be declared within the root prototype declaration (not “at call time”)

  • Packages: Neos Fusion

FEATURE: Add inspector group `default to Neos.Neos:Node <https://github.com/neos/neos-development-collection/pull/4068>`_

The group default can be used for basic properties instead introducing a custom group.

  • Resolves: #4060

  • Packages: Neos

FEATURE: Improve behavior of workspace review buttons

Upgrade instructions


Review instructions

# Description

My pull request is about improving the behavior of the workspace review buttons. When I look at the change in a workspace, I don’t always want to publish, or discard all changes. Because I also have the option to discard, or publish individual changes. But if I don’t do that regularly, it could happen that you accidentally press the wrong button.

## Solution

The behavior should be such that when I select a single change, or all changes, the respective buttons should not be displayed. This provides better clarity, and less confusion for the backend user. Thanks to @bwaidelich for the idea regarding the new behavior ❤️ !

### Demos

Here I have included two examples to show the new behavior of the review buttons.

#### Publish to Live Priviliges


#### No Publish to Live Priviliges


  • Packages: Neos

FEATURE: Support search by property & exact value in NodeDataRepository

Currently it is only possible to search through the properties by giving a string that matches for any key or value found in the jsonified properties field.

With this change, the term can also be an array to match exactly on a given key / value combination. The search term could be given as ['key' => 'value'].

NEOS-1460 #close

FEATURE: Allow including resources for all backend modules

With this change it’s now possible to add stylesheets and javascript to all backend modules at the same time without requiring to add the resources to each module separately.


```yaml Neos:


‘My.Package’: ‘resource://My.Package/Public/JavaScript/Main.css’


‘My.Package’: ‘resource://My.Package/Public/JavaScript/Main.js’


  • Packages: Neos SiteKickstarter

!!! BUGFIX: Refactor FusionService API & And strict FusionCodeCollection in FusionParser

Improve the API of the fusion parser and introduce FusionSourceCodeFactory to create fusion auto includes.

In the past the auto includes were added to the main Root.Fusion from the current website. With the addition of the Fusion Ast Cache in Development context this caused issues when site packages included the Root.fusion of other site packages as the same cache entry was used for the file wether it was included as main or not.

The change introduces the parseFromSource() Method that accepts a FusionSourceCodeCollection DTO to the Fusion parser and deprecates the parse() method.

resolves: #3835 resolves: #3834

Upgrade Instructions

While this change does not alter the api it deprecates the method Neos\\Fusion\\Core\\Parser::parse() You should update it to Neos\\Fusion\\Core\\Parser::parseFromSource(). The external api of the Neos\\Neos\\Domain\\Service\\FusionService was not changed. In the unlikely case that you extended this service and used internal methods you probably will have to adjust your code.

Review Instructions

As discussed in https://github.com/neos/neos-development-collection/issues/3835#issuecomment-1181840848 a FusionCodeCollection can now be provided as argument to $fusionParser-> parseFromSource(). This enforces that not accidentally differing $sourceCode and $contextPathAndFilename are given, which confuses the cache.

Also we all love to cure our primitive (type) obsession :smile:

The change is made backwards compatible, so one can still provide the primitive types.

To achieve the current dangerous behavior, provide differing $sourceCode and $contextPathAndFilename, use the ->parse() API with primitive types, or use the escape hatch left open via FusionCode::fromDangerousPotentiallyDifferingSourceCodeAndContextPath(), in order to make AOP / Fusion preprocessing still possible - but with caution ;)

  • Packages: Neos Fusion

BUGFIX: Adjust version and release variables

Without the change, the docs will render a wrong version information on the index page.

<img width=”1108” alt=”Screenshot 2023-04-23 at 21 16 52” src=”https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1014126/233860295-8da2a358-a3c8-420b-bee0-fd61ba1dec59.png”>

  • Packages: Neos

BUGFIX: Make functional tests run

The Neos.Demo has an implication on the functional tests, and the Neos.Demo removed the .html suffix. Therefore, the tests for the URIs are now failing.

Upgrade instructions

Nothing to upgrade.

Review instructions

Tests are green again :)

  • Packages: Neos

BUGFIX: Fix .composer.json which was not updated via jenkins job

The jenkins job which created the 8.3 branch did not update the composer manifest file with the correct neos/flow-development-collection requirement.

related: #85

  • Packages: Neos

TASK: Deprecate PluginView

The concept of PluginViews which means rendering specific views of a plugin on a different document is deprecated. It has been used in very fews cases and causes trouble in maintenance and thus will be removed without replacement in Neos 9.

Right now no changes are needed. If there are cases where this feature is still used it can be replaced by rendering a url combining the main and the plugin request arguments before upgrading to Neos 9.

Relates: https://github.com/neos/neos-ui/issues/3408

  • Packages: Neos

TASK: Use NodeTypes folder in core packages

Upgrade instructions

Not breaking

Review instructions

All nodetypes should still be loaded

  • Packages: Fusion ContentRepository

TASK: Unify fusion tag attribute rendering

The rendering of html-attributes is centralized with a trait to ensure that Neos.Fusion:Tag, Neos.Fusion:Augmenter and Neos.Fusion:Attributes behave identical.

This causes a minimal change in behavior of the Augmenter for attributes that are set to null. The old implementation created empty tag-attributes for null values. Now null and false cause an attribute to be omitted while true renders an attribute without value or an empty value depending on the allowEmptyAttributes setting.

Since this is quite esoteric we consider the change to be minor and consider the unified behavior correct.

resolves: #3582

Review instructions

The tests for the html augmenter are adjusted to since the meaning of null has changed slightly.

  • Packages: Neos Fusion

TASK: Apply fixes from StyleCI

This pull request applies code style fixes from an analysis carried out by StyleCI.

For more information, click here.

  • Packages: Neos ContentRepository Fusion.Afx Fusion Media SiteKickstarter

TASK: Refactor AfxService

remove wrong php docs and add php types. use multiple ‘nested’ generators to create the attributes. astBooleanToFusion could technically now also render ‘false’, what is never the case but still. removed unnecessary checks against truthy or null, when method never returns falsy. restructure code.

  • Packages: Neos Fusion.Afx

TASK: enable blockquote formatting in text mixin

## Description

This PR enables the blockquote formatting in the text mixin as this is now available as text style in the neos-ui.

Regarding PR: https://github.com/neos/neos-ui/pull/3333

This PR is in draft, until the PR in the neos-ui is ready.

  • Packages: NodeTypes.BaseMixins

Detailed log