8.2.9 (2023-12-12)

Overview of merged pull requests

BUGFIX: Remove unnecessary basemixins dependency for ContentReferences

The package has no direct dependency to the basemixins and should be usable without the other basemixins.

  • Packages: NodeTypes.ContentReferences

BUGFIX: Add workspace hash to NodeDynamicTag_ and AssetDynamicTag_ cache tags

  • Fixes: #4781

  • Packages: Neos

BUGFIX: Filter for assets by asset collection without overriding existing WHERE conditions

The query to fetch assets gets build in multiple steps. E.g in findAll it creates the query, adds the “variant filter clause” and afterwards the “asset collection filter clause”.


public function findAll(AssetCollection $assetCollection = null): QueryResultInterface {

$query = $this->createQuery(); $this->addAssetVariantFilterClause($query); $this->addAssetCollectionToQueryConstraints($query, $assetCollection); return $query->execute();


``` But adding the “asset collection filter clause” removes/overrides the existing “variant filter clause”

This fix replaces the way of setting “asset collection filter clause”, so the existing where clauses are retained.

  • Fixes: #4723

  • Packages: Media

BUGFIX: flashmessages in legacy modules work as expected

This applies the, since a while unused, presets for message severity types to notifications in classic Neos backend modules again so that eg. warnings and errors stay on display and can be copied / screenshotted.

Also regenerates js maps that seem to have compiled wrongly before.

  • Fixes: #4672

  • Packages: Neos

BUGFIX: Check if image is possible to refit on replacement

Checks if the replacement is an image and has a size.

  • Packages: Neos NodeTypes.BaseMixins Media

BUGFIX: Allow disabling of auto-created Image Variants

Fixes support for the setting autoCreateImageVariantPresets that was documented for a long time but never actually evaluated.

This change set:

  • Adjusts AssetService::assetCreated() signal to only trigger AssetVariantGenerator::createVariants() if the autoCreateImageVariantPresets flag is set

  • Sets the default value of the flag to true for greater backwards compatibility

  • Adjusts AssetVariantGenerator::createVariant() to only create a variant if it does not exist already – previously multiple variants with the same identifiers could be created for a single asset leading to undeterministic behavior

  • Adds a button “Create missing Variants” to the Variants tab of the Media Module allowing editors to manually trigger creation of (missing) variants.

  • Fixes: #4300

  • Packages: Neos Media

BUGFIX: `props will be unset after an exception <https://github.com/neos/neos-development-collection/pull/4526>`_

The rendering in a Neos.Fusion Component had a bug where the props might be undefined if an exception happened earlier in an eel expression.

This was caused by not correctly poping the runtimes context and thus causing a unexpected shift in the context stack.

Upgrade instructions

  • Packages: Neos Fusion

TASK: Use role label in list users/new user view if available

In Neos 7 (and with https://github.com/neos/flow-development-collection/issues/2162), role labels were introduced. While we now have a nice table view in the “edit account” view, the role label is not displayed anywhere else.

I’m aware that Neos 7 and 8 are in maintenance-only mode, but I think we all agree that Neos 8 will be around for quite a while. I suggest the minimal change to use the role label in the user list and the “new user” view if there is one.

  • [N/A] Code follows the PSR-2 coding style

  • [N/A] Tests have been created, run and adjusted as needed

  • [x] The PR is created against the lowest maintained branch

  • [x] Reviewer - PR Title is brief but complete and starts with FEATURE|TASK|BUGFIX

  • [x] Reviewer - The first section explains the change briefly for change-logs

  • [N/A] Reviewer - Breaking Changes are marked with !!! and have upgrade-instructions

  • Packages: Neos

TASK: Add PHP 8.3 to build workflow matrix

This will test Flow against PHP 8.3

  • Packages: Neos .github

TASK: Adjust neos/neos css build to work on apple silicon

  • Packages: Neos

TASK: Add support information to package composer.json

The git url will be useful for automating the split configuration later.

  • Packages: Neos Media

TASK: Tweak dependency on neos/twitter-bootstrap

  • move the dependency from neos/neos to neos/media-browser

  • change from * to ^3.0.6 (the first version allowing Neos 7.x)

  • Packages: Neos Media.Browser

TASK: All dependencies within collection point to `self.version <https://github.com/neos/neos-development-collection/pull/4666>`_

Re-adjusts dependencies to point to self.version for easier maintenance.

  • Fixes: #4257

  • Packages: Neos

Detailed log