8.1.1 (2022-09-12)

Overview of merged pull requests

BUGFIX: Fusion Runtime lazy-props evaluation confuses `getLastEvaluat…

fixes: #3469

doing the check if a render was successful cannot only happen via $this->getLastEvaluationStatus() -> as the render path might contain a lazy-prop (closure) which, when evaluated uses the same runtime. -> if the last lazy-prop has an @if annotation its skipped, but the $lastEvaluationStatus is set on the same runtime. -> there might still be partial successful output (the first values of a lazy-prop eg.) so we need to check additionally if the return value is null.

  • Packages: Fusion

BUGFIX: Add correct default value for sortBy parameter

When using the UserService in your code or via CLI ./flow user:list you will get an exception caused by the incorrect default value. Only if you pass the correct value, e.g. accounts.accountIdentifier, then it works.

This fixes that by providing a (correct) default value of accounts.accountIdentifier.

  • Fixes: #3882

  • Packages: Neos

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