Custom Eel Helper

Eel Helpers provide methods that can be used inside of Eel expressions. That is mostly used to extend the capabilities for data-aquisition and processing of Fusion.

The first step is to create the EelHelper class. Every Helper has to implement the interface Neos\Eel\ProtectedContextAwareInterface.

namespace Vendor\Site\Eel\Helper;

use Neos\Flow\Annotations as Flow;
use Neos\Eel\ProtectedContextAwareInterface;

class ExampleHelper implements ProtectedContextAwareInterface {

         * Wrap the incoming string in curly brackets
         * @param $text string
         * @return string
        public function wrapInCurlyBrackets($text) {
                return '{' . $text . '}';

         * All methods are considered safe, i.e. can be executed from within Eel
         * @param string $methodName
         * @return boolean
        public function allowsCallOfMethod($methodName) {
                return TRUE;


Afterwards the namespace of the Helper has to be registered for usage in Fusion in the Settings.yaml of the package:

      'Vendor.Example': 'Vendor\Site\Eel\Helper\ExampleHelper'

In Fusion you can call the methods of the helper inside of EelExpressions:

exampleEelValue = ${Vendor.Example.wrapInCurlyBrackets('Hello World')}