Adjusting Neos Output

Page Template

The page template defines the overall structure of the generated markup: what is rendered in the body and head of the resulting document.

The Body

As briefly explained in Rendering A Page the path to your own template for the body of a generated page can be set using Fusion:

page = Page
page.body.templatePath = 'resource://My.Package/Private/Templates/PageTemplate.html'

The file will the be used to render the body content and any Fluid placeholders will be substituted, ViewHelpers will be executed. Since no further information is given to the rendering process, the full content of the template will be used for the body.

If the template contains a full HTML page, this will lead to invalid markup. But in most cases having the template as a full HTML document is desired, as it allows easy handling by the developer and can be previewed as is in a browser.

To use just a part of the document for the body, that part can simply be enclosed in a Fluid section:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<f:section name="body">

The Fusion is then amended with the declaration of the section to use:

page = Page
page.body {
        templatePath = 'resource://My.Package/Private/Templates/PageTemplate.html'
        sectionName = 'body'

This results in only the part inside the template’s “body” section to be used for rendering the body of the generated page.

To add actual content from Neos to the desired places in the markup, a special ViewHelper to turn control back to Fusion is used. This has been mentioned in Rendering A Page already.

This template uses the render ViewHelper twice, once to render the path parts/menu and once to render the path content.main:

<f:section name="body">
        <ts:render path="" />
        <ts:render path="content.main" />

Those paths are relative to the current path. Since that part of the template is rendered by the Fusion object at page.body, this is the starting point for the relative paths. This means the Menu and the ContentCollection in this Fusion are used for rendering the output:

page = Page
page.body {
        templatePath = 'resource://My.Package/Private/Templates/PageTemplate.html'
        sectionName = 'body' = Menu
        content.main = ContentCollection
        content.main.nodePath = 'main'

The Head

The head of a page generated by Neos contains only minimal content by default. Apart from the meta tag declaring the character set it is empty:

        <meta charset="UTF-8" />

To fill this with life, it is recommended to add sections to the head of your HTML template that group the needed parts. Additional Fusion Template objects are then used to include them into the generated page. Here is an example:


        <f:section name="meta">

        <f:section name="stylesheets">
                <!-- put your stylesheet inclusions here, they will be included in your website by Fusion -->

        <f:section name="scripts">
                <!-- put your javascript inclusions here, they will be included in your website by Fusion -->


page.head {
        meta = Neos.Fusion:Template {
                templatePath = 'resource://Acme.DemoCom/Private/Templates/Page/Default.html'
                sectionName = 'meta'

                title = ${q(node).property('title')}
        } = Neos.Fusion:Template {
                templatePath = 'resource://Acme.DemoCom/Private/Templates/Page/Default.html'
                sectionName = 'stylesheets'
        } = Neos.Fusion:Template {
                templatePath = 'resource://Acme.DemoCom/Private/Templates/Page/Default.html'
                sectionName = 'scripts'

The Fusion fills the page.head instance of Neos.Fusion:Array with content. The predefined paths for page.head.stylesheets, page.head.javascripts or page.body.javascripts should be used to add custom includes. They are implemented by a Fusion Array and allow arbitrary items to specify JavaScript or CSS includes without any restriction on the content.

This will render some more head content:

        <!-- put your stylesheet inclusions here, they will be included in your website by Fusion -->
        <!-- put your javascript inclusions here, they will be included in your website by Fusion -->

This provides for flexibility and allows to control precisely what ends up in the generated markup. Anything that is needed can be added freely, it just has to be in a section that is included.

Content Element Rendering

The rendering of content elements follows the same principle as shown for the Menu. The default Fusion is defined in the Neos.NodeTypes package and the content elements all have default Fluid templates.

Combined with the possibility to define custom templates per instance or on the prototype level, this already provides a lot of flexibility. Another possibility is to inherit from the existing Fusion and adjust as needed using Fusion.

The available properties and settings that the Fusion objects in Neos provide are described in Fusion Reference.

Including CSS and JavaScript in a Neos Site

Including CSS and JavaScript should happen through one of the predefined places of the Page object. Depending on the desired position one of the page.head.javascripts, page.head.stylesheets or page.body.javascripts Arrays should be extended with an item that renders script or stylesheet includes:

page.head {

        stylesheets {
                bootstrap = '<link href="//" rel="stylesheet">'

        javascripts {
                jquery = '<script src="//"></script>'


page.body {

        javascripts {
                bootstrap = '<script src="//"></script>'


The page.body.javascripts content will be appended to the rendered page template so the included scripts should be placed before the closing body tag. As always in Fusion the elements can be a simple string value, a Fusion object like Template or an expression:

page.head {
        # Add a simple value as an item to the javascripts Array
        javascripts.jquery = '<script src="//"></script>'

        # Use an expression to render a CSS include (this is just an example, bootstrapVersion is not defined by Neos)
        stylesheets.bootstrap = ${'<link href="//' + bootstrapVersion + '/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet">'}

page.body {
        # Use a Template object to access a special section of the site template = Neos.Fusion:Template {
                templatePath = 'resource://Acme.DemoCom/Private/Templates/Page/Default.html'
                sectionName = 'bodyScripts'

The order of the includes can be specified with the @position property inside the Array object. This is especially handy for including JavaScript libraries and plugins in the correct order:

page.head {
        jquery = '<script src="//"></script>'

        javascripts.jquery-ui = '<script src="path-to-jquery-ui"></script>'
        javascripts.jquery-ui.@position = 'after jquery'

CSS and JavaScript restrictions in a Neos Site

Very little constraints are imposed through Neos for including JavaScripts or stylesheets. But since the Neos user interface itself is built with HTML, CSS and JavaScript itself, some caveats exist.

Since the generated markup contains no stylesheets by default and the generated JS is minimal, those restrictions affect only the display of the page to the editor when logged in to the Neos editing interface.

In this case, the Neos styles are included and a number of JavaScript libraries are loaded, among them jQuery, Ember JS and VIE. The styles are all confined to a single root selector and for JavaScript the impact is kept as low as possible through careful scoping.

CSS Requirements

  • the <body> tag is not allowed to have a CSS style with position:relative, as this breaks the positions of modal dialogs we show at various places. Zurb Foundation is one well-known framework which sets this as default, so if you use it, then fix the error with body { position: static }.

TODO check if this is still true

JavaScript Requirements

TODO “what about the UI below a single DOM element idea”

Adjusting the HTTP response

It is possible to set HTTP headers and the status code of the response from Fusion. See Neos.Fusion:Http.Message for an example.