Neos Documentation

How it works

We use Read The Docs ( to host the documentation for Neos. This service listens for commits on Github and automatically builds the documentation for all branches.

The entire documentation of Neos is located inside the Neos development collection ( and can be edited by forking the repository, editing the files and creating a pull request.


The markup language that is used by Sphinx is [reStructuredText](, a plaintext markup syntax that easy to edit using any text editor and provides the possibility to write well organized documentations that can be rendered in multiple output formats by e.g. Sphinx.


Sphinx is a generator that automates building documentations from reStructuredText markup. It can produce HTML, LaTex, ePub, plain text and many more output formats.

As Sphinx is a python based tool, you can install it by using either pip:

pip install -U Sphinx

or easy_install:

easy_install -U Sphinx


As Sphinx accepts many options to build the many output formats, we included a Makefile to simplify the building process.

In order to use the commands you must already have Sphinx installed.

You can get an overview of the provided commands by

cd Neos.Neos/Documentation

make help


If you don’t want to install Sphinx on your computer or have trouble installing it, you can use a prebuilt Docker image that contains a working version of Sphinx. The image is built on top of a pretty small alpine linux and has only around 80MB.

You can simply prefix your make command with the following docker command:

docker run -v $(pwd):/documents hhoechtl/doctools-sphinx make html

This will fire up a docker-container built from that image and execute the Sphinx build inside the container. As your current directory is mounted into the container, it can read the files and the generated output will be written in your local filesystem as it would by just executing the make command with your local Sphinx installation.